The Baidyanath
TRUST104 + years of
Founded in 1917 by Dr Ram Narayan Sharma, the company continues to revive one of mankind’s oldest knowledge of medicine with the aid of modern research and technology.
Dr Ram Narayan Sharma
CEO & Founder

Easy and Affordable
Largest Product portfolio in India with more than 700 products

Punctual Delivery time
Over 3,500 exclusive showrooms manned by qualified medical practitioners
How do we work?
We think differently about how we deliver energy today and tomorrow. We’ve established our first-ever emissions reduction goal, representing one of the most ambitious reduction targets in the Indian utility sector.
LNG Overview, Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that is converted to liquefied for ease of storage or transport.

Exploration and Production
LNG is a transportation method for natural gas, therefore natural gas must first be produced and transported to an LNG facility for processing

This process converts gas to liquid by lowering the temperature of the gas to approximately -260 degrees Fahrenheit (-160 degrees Celsius)

Special tankers with insulation and auto-refrigeration keep the natural gas in liquid form as it is transported over massive bodies of water

Storage and Regasification
Once the LNG reaches its destination it is stored or regasified back to its gaseous state. The regasification process involves passing the LNG through a series of vaporizers that reheat the fuel

Is how we do everything. To be successful, we must continue to integrate sustainable business practices across our organization while balancing financial, environmental and social factors, ensuring we’re here for years to come. Our goal is to reduce our customers’ GHG emissions by 30 per cent overall by the year 2030.