About Us

Baidyanath LNG Private Limited is a part of Baidyanath Holdings a 100 Plus years of commitment and protecting the Health standards in India and Globally.

Natural gas is an excellent substitute for other fossil fuels, as it emits less CO2.

The energy transition and the role of natural gas

To achieve a CO2-neutral energy supply in 2050, fossil fuels will be replaced as much as possible by renewable forms of energy. This replacement must take place systematically and in the right order: the least clean will go first.

We offer non-discriminatory open access to our LNG infrastructure to all interested LNG suppliers and customers and we are always open for strong partnerships. Keywords within these partnerships are long-term commitments, making use of a repeatable formula and our commitment to sustainability.

LNG is of prime importance for many countries who want to improve the security of supply and add an additional source of supply to their gas supply portfolio. We create partnerships with local (infrastructure) companies to open new markets for LNG.

B-LNG will grow its base in LNG facilities and will continue to invest in the growing global gas markets and expand its network of LNG infrastructure at strategic locations.

B-LNG and the natural gas supply chain

In the Central India’s  natural gas supply chain, B-LNG successfully managed to rope in various stakeholders to develop Eco system required for the growth of LNG as Automotive applications.

We operate our assets to the highest technical standards and prioritise safety, cost efficiency and the environment. We actively seek to exceed national standards and local rules for health, safety, security and working environment (HSE).

B-LNG believes accidents can be prevented by:

  1. Building a company culture which reinforces safety awareness among employees
  2. Ensuring practical and well-considered risk management onboard and ashore
  3. Learning through analyzing accidents and near accidents
  4. Continuous improvement of procedures and routines including skills of personnel and emergency preparedness