As India plans to increase the share of natural gas from 6% currently to 15% by 2030, LNG-powered Vehicles are seen as an obvious step forward, and here is why:

Stable Fuel

Unlike the price of petrol/diesel, the price of LNG is much more stable as it’s not linked to the ever-volatile oil market.

Safe to Use

LNG is harder to ignite than many commonly-used fuels and is not held under pressure, thus reducing the possibility of explosions. Being non-toxic and non-corrosive, it doesn’t pollute land or water resources by leakage.

Swift Refueling

Refueling LNG is similar to refuelling in a regular service station; takes no time in short.

Fewer CO2 Emissions

Vehicles running on LNG produce up to 20-25% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than petrol/diesel-powered vehicles

Lower Price

Being lighter, it’s a better substitute for petrol/diesel, substantially reducing the fuel bill by about 25%. Also, as compared to crude oil-based fuel, LNG reduces the import bill of the country by 30-40%.

Reduced Noise Pollution

Vehicles running on LNG are noiseless and experience fewer vehicle knocks

Extended Vehicle Life

It’s an environmentally superior fuel, thus extending the life of the vehicle by 3 times and without much servicing.

Flexible Transport Routes

LNG refuelling sites can be located anywhere. This gives LNG Refueling Stations the flexibility to expand their transport routes for the convenience of heavy-duty LNG-powered vehicles

Improved Air Quality

LNG is one of the cleanest-burning fossil fuels. It reduces Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emissions by 40-50% and Particulate Matter (PM) emissions by appx. 80%.

Use of LNG

to fuel large on trucks & buses

High horsepower

high torque engines

Use of LNG

on rail

Use of LNG

in maritime applications